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Navigraph Charts 8 mobile: The Ultimate Software Solution for Pilots

Navigraph has announced the release of a mobile version of their charts, which include detailed airport diagrams. The latest version, Navigraph Charts 8, has been developed with an emphasis on delivering a seamless and intuitive experience for pilots. It reduces the workload of the pilot in all phases of the simulated flight.

Navigraph charts 8 mobile version pages

Navigraph Charts 8 is an essential software solution for flight simulation, making it a co-pilot for pilots. It is the only provider of Jeppesen charts and navigation data for flight simulation, with access to IFR chart coverage at over 7,000 airports worldwide. The charts and data are sourced from Jeppesen and updated every 28 days according to the AIRAC calendar. It has the largest dataset of its kind in the world, making it the most up-to-date and modern navigation software for flight simulation.

The software is also designed to keep simulator sceneries, flight plans, charts, navigation systems, and add-on software all in sync with data from the same source. This feature is important because it eliminates the possibility of inconsistency that can result from using multiple sources. The software also comes with great support.

New Features in Navigraph Charts 8

Navigraph Charts 8 comes with many new features to improve the user experience. Some of the new features include worldwide VFR charts powered by Jeppesen VFR data, seamless zoom, 3D globe projection, autopinning of procedure charts, runway crosswind, and airport weather information, and vector charts.

The worldwide VFR charts powered by Jeppesen VFR data allow pilots to visualize the terrain and landmarks around an airport. Seamless zoom and 3D globe projection help visualize Great Circle distances and polar routes. Autopinning of procedure charts saves time and effort by automatically organizing relevant airport charts to the pinboard. Weather information, including runway crosswinds, is updated in real-time. Vector charts make it easy to read the information, reducing pilot workload.

Navigraph Unlimited Features

Navigraph Unlimited features are designed to improve the user experience further. Some of the features include moving maps, zoom all the way down to gate level, and 3D globe projection. These features help to visualize flight routes, making it easier to plan flights. It saves time and effort by automatically organizing relevant airport charts to the pinboard. Weather information, including runway crosswinds, is updated in real-time. The best part is that there is no commitment, and you can cancel anytime you like.

Navigraph Charts 8 is available for purchase on the Navigraph website, with a monthly subscription costing €9.05 and an annual subscription costing €81.64. The mobile version of the charts is available for free download on both the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android devices. Users can enjoy many of the same features as the desktop version, including worldwide VFR charts powered by Jeppesen VFR data, seamless zoom, 3D globe projection, autopinning of procedure charts, runway crosswind and airport weather information, and vector charts.

Additionally, the mobile version of Navigraph Charts offers the same moving maps functionality as the desktop version, allowing users to zoom all the way down to gate level and view weather information in real-time. Navigraph Charts 8 is compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, and Prepar3d. This makes it accessible to a wider audience.

Navigraph Charts 8 is an essential software solution for pilots who are into flight simulation. It is the most up-to-date and modern navigation software with the largest dataset of its kind in the world. It comes with many new features, including worldwide VFR charts, seamless zoom, 3D globe projection, autopinning of procedure charts, runway crosswind, and airport weather information, and vector charts. The unlimited features include moving maps, zoom all the way down to gate level, and 3D globe projection. This software solution makes the workload of the pilot lighter, and it is designed to provide a seamless and intuitive experience. The software is compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, and Prepar3d.

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