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SimBrief Redesigned by Navigraph: New Features and Improved User Experience

Navigraph has just announced a complete makeover for SimBrief, the popular free flight planning tool. The redesign includes new features, improved usability, and enhanced performance. Navigraph has stated that the most significant change is the redesign of the dispatch interface, which allows it to adjust to any screen size. The tool now also features a new dashboard showing your recent flights, with a new navigation menu at the top of the page.

Navigraph SimBrief new dashboard

Other changes announced as part of the redesign include options for large text and a dark mode, a new interactive flight map, integrated airframes for third-party addon aircraft, and a refreshed user guide. The tool generates up to 80,000 flight plans daily and is now fully compatible with mobile phones.

SimBrief was acquired by Navigraph in March 2021, and this redesign is a significant step forward in Navigraph’s work developing the tool. Navigraph confirmed that new features and advancements in capability would be delivered, and it’s great to see that intention come to fruition.

In addition to the redesign, SimBrief has also added a “system status” page, which shows detailed metrics on server load, the dynamic availability of different databases, the number of flight plans generated recently, and information on users. This page provides important insights into the platform’s performance, ensuring that it’s reliable and efficient for all users.

The announcement of the SimBrief makeover comes after Navigraph released Navigraph Charts 8, reinforcing just how indispensable the Navigraph-SimBrief combination has become to flight simulator pilots seeking an easy to use, feature-rich, and reasonably priced solution to their navigation and flight planning needs.

SimBrief is the most popular and widely used flight sim dispatch system, which is offered for free by parent company Navigraph. The new redesign has gone down well with the flight sim community, with many praising the new design for making the tool easier to use and adding new neat features such as personal flying statistics. With the new and improved SimBrief, pilots can expect an even better experience when planning their flights, with more intuitive design and enhanced features.

The new SimBrief redesign is available now at, and an explanation of the redesign was released on Navigraph’s YouTube channel, with additional videos planned on how to export flight plans and import them into your aircraft.

In conclusion, the redesign of SimBrief is a huge step forward in Navigraph’s work developing the tool, and it demonstrates their commitment to providing a high-quality product for the flight simulation community. The new redesign offers improved usability, new features, and enhanced performance, making it a must-have tool for all flight simulator pilots. With Navigraph’s commitment to continuous improvement, we can expect even more exciting features and updates for SimBrief in the future.

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