Teikof Studio Releases Scarlett Martinez for MSFS

Teikof Studio has recently released their rendition of Scarlett Martínez International Airport (MPSM) for Microsoft Flight Simulator, serving the city of Rio Hato in Panama. Scarlett Martínez International Airport is an international airport located in Rio Hato, a town in the Coclé Province of Panama. The airport was originally built as an Air Force Base and played a significant role during World War II in defending the Panama Canal. After the war, it was used as an auxiliary military landing field until the 1990s when it was rebuilt. The restoration work included rehabilitation of the runway and airport terminal, and construction of a tunnel for the Pan-American Highway, which previously crossed the runway.


Teikof Studio’s MPSM Scarlett Martinez Int. MSFS add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator brings this airport to life with impressive attention to detail. The scenery features PBR texturing, high-quality ground markings with wear and tear, landside buildings, and the Pan-American Highway tunnel. These features provide an immersive experience for flight simulators as they explore the airport’s surroundings and admire its beauty.

The add-on is available on SimMarket for EUR 11.99. It is a great value for money and is a must-have for anyone who wants to experience flying in and out of Scarlett Martínez International Airport.

One of the key features of Teikof Studio’s MPSM Scarlett Martinez Int. MSFS add-on is the PBR textures. These textures provide a realistic look and feel to the airport’s surfaces, making it seem like it’s an actual airport. The high-quality markings with wear and tear further enhance the realism, giving the airport a sense of history and character. The nearby noticable buildings are another added feature that adds to the immersion factor.

Another exciting feature of the add-on is the Pan-American Highway tunnel. The tunnel was built to avoid the Pan-American Highway from crossing the runway, ensuring the safety of the passengers and crew. The tunnel is a unique feature that sets this airport apart from others, and it’s an excellent example of how real-life airport infrastructure can be replicated in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

  • SCARLETT MARTINEZ tunnel pan america
  • SCARLETT MARTINEZ terminal interior
  • SCARLETT MARTINEZ aircraft wing view

In conclusion, Teikof Studio’s MPSM Scarlett Martinez Int. MSFS add-on is a fantastic addition to Microsoft Flight Simulator. It brings the beauty and uniqueness of Scarlett Martínez International Airport to life, providing an immersive experience for flight simulators. With its realistic PBR textures, high-quality markings, nearby buildings, and Pan-American Highway tunnel, this add-on is a must-have for anyone who loves to explore new airports.

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